To Feel Alive

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To Feel Alive
by Julia Saites, RYFO Communications Coordinator

I don’t get out much. I’ve worked from home for the last 7 years and before that I ran a business out of a great office on Sunset Boulevard – by myself. I admit I love being alone. But every now and again I am reminded that while mostly my solitude brings me pleasure, truly, I feel alive when I am doing something for someone else. Sometimes we call this serving. What if, as we moved about our lives, we didn’t intentionally go out and serve, we just lived? Lived to benefit others.

The last weekend of July, I had the opportunity to participate with RYFO at the Clarity Conference in Albuquerque, NM. This 1st annual conference was put on by Solid Youth Ministry at All Nations Assembly of God. The Clarity Conference would answer the question: What is worship? RYFO, along with other ministries, was invited to be a part of the conference offering opportunities to serve as an act of worship.

The music was wonderful, the presentations beautiful and the speakers spoke transforming words – but honestly the thing that stood out for me, and still stands out is that every single thing that was done – from reconstructing the stage in the sanctuary, the installation of ambient lighting, each table and chair that was set up, all the food that was prepared and served, the conversations that were had – the tangible and practical, and all of the intangibles, were done with a heart of worship. Those things weren’t done to serve us, the attendees, but were done in service to God for others. Worship.

In living their lives, the Solid Youth Ministry group and each member of the congregation, including the leaders, worshiped the Living God – it just so happened, that weekend, we, the participants, felt the effects of their worship.


Clarity_Conference_Collage-300x300I didn’t fully realize how alive I felt until I was on my way home each day. Yes, I was getting to do some of the things I love – sharing RYFO with people one on one and from the “stage” – and that energizes me, but, in doing all the little things beforehand in preparation, and interacting with everyone from the very young to the young at heart – whether playing games to give stickers, notebooks and keychains away or listening to incredible and miraculous stories of God working in people’s lives, my “service” was simply an act of worship. All the preparing, doing and interacting didn’t feel like work because I wasn’t doing it for myself – it made me feel alive.

I said something that weekend and I will say it here because I truly believe it with all of my heart and soul:

When we serve where we feel connected, our service will naturally be an act of worship. If our motives in serving are skewed, or we feel an obligation of some sort, it’s not really worship, it’s something else.

If it’s not [serving] the music community, that’s okay. I encourage you to find what stirs your God-given passions and get involved. Remember the words of Jesus:  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

To feel alive, you must live for others.

To see some fantastic photos of the Clarity Conference, click here

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